Sunday, July 18, 2010

Layered Lemon Pie

I've gone through an issue of Taste of Home a few times and I always seem to stop at the lemon layered pie. Maybe it was a craving...except I wasn't pregnant yet. Or the thought of lemons that just make my mouth water? Or that the recipe called for cream cheese and almost anything with cream cheese is a hit. I never figured my reason but who really needs a reason to make a pie... honestly? Just do it and enjoy it because life is too short to not have pie! So last week I finally made it. Spontaneously, some of our good friends, the Gunn's, joined us that night for a little pie! They agreed, it was edible =) And even better with coffee to balance the tart, sweetness of it! The bottom layer was the most tedious, but no different from the filling for lemon meringue pie. That layer was the tart layer. Then came the lemony cream cheese layer...piece of cake! (er, pie). And next, the creamy whipped topping! I have to admit, I wanted to be thorough and see how it progressed in flavor a day later. And the day after that. You know, for research. And I ate the whole other half of pie, alone! Don't judge me people, I'm growing a human here! And like most of us, it got even better with age. So here you go, try it for your next dinner guests..or just yourself ;) You won't regret it!
 Layered Lemon Pies Recipe | Taste of Home Recipes
{Forgive me, I took this picture at the last second before I hoovered the pie. I promise to improve my food staging skills in the future!}
The only change I made due to lack of lemon extract in my pantry, was adding 2 tbsp. lemon juice in place of the 1/2 tsp. of lemon extract. You could also use 1 tsp. lemon zest. Thank you google ;)
And I halved the recipe to make just one pie, good thing, or I would've eaten the other one too!

Monday, July 12, 2010

The First of Many

Hello World, welcome to my life! Thursday happened to be the first day of school for my firstborn, Mason. What?? We're already here? Wasn't I just in the hospital laboring this child? It all happened so fast, I still haven't cried like I wanted to. You know the lump in your throat you keep pushing down so you can "appear" to be a composed adult, not like the 5 year old girl sobbing and clinging at her mommy's dress. All I allowed were a few tears that didn't get the chance to roll to their full potential. Next thing I knew his teacher had the students (my baby!) turn and wave "Bye, Mommy!". Wait!!! Where's my hug, my kiss, my tears??? With years of experience, I know Mason's teacher knew this was best for the little ones who struggled with parting from their parents, or... for Mommy's who can't bear let their babies go. It makes me think of what my father-in-law has often encouraged me during my pregnancies with: "At least we know millions of women have gone through this... and survived!" So here I sit, still haven't dealt with my feelings about my baby growing up, about me having to let go, about me being pregnant and having extra feelings! [I send this as a warning for my dear husband who shall soon unexpectedly encounter an overdramatic meltdown about something that doesn't even matter, like, say, he not being able to decide which type of pasta I should make for dinner... Honey, I apologize but, consider yourself warned!] I have to admit I was so proud to pick him up from his first day, and relieved to hear he did great! I think I was afraid he would be so shy, like I saw him at open house the day before. But he was quite the opposite, he is a social butterfly when he's comfortable, and that he was. He even made a new friend, and it wasn't a boy! With two younger brothers, and lots of friends that are boys it was a nice surprise he would make a girl friend. It's cute and innocent, and I'm excited. Excited for the first friend... of many. I'm excited for the first day of school... of many. And I'm excited for the first blog, of many! 

Here are a few pictures from this milestone we've reached, whether I was ready or not!