Thursday, December 2, 2010

Another Year More Wonderful

It's my wonderful hubby's 29th birthday! Where does the time go? We had our first date 9 years ago, and look at us now- married 7.75 years with 3 boys, a dog, a mortgage and another bambino on the way! As fast as these years have gone I couldn't imagine going through it without this amazing man the Lord chose for me. I can't put into words what he is to me. It's just that feeling in the depths of my soul every time I am near him or apart, when he opens my car door or kisses my forehead... and when he leaves his big ol' boots in the walkway for me to trip over! In the
good and the bad I can't help but to love this man more and more. I thank the Lord for giving me such an amazing partner to share this crazy life with!

Unfortunately he is away working in Malibu ALL day so the boys and I made cupcakes and sang "Happy Birthday" to him last night. But what I'm really, really, REALLY looking forward to is our overnighter date night tomorrow! Grammy & Gramps will have the boys for 24 hours and I'm so excited to wake up on my own schedule and go out to (and enjoy) breakfast and sip my coffee in the quiet...ahh it's amazing what you begin to truly enjoy after having kids!

I've always loved this picture with Baby Taylor... I think he would be great with a daughter! 

♥ ♥ ♥

He's such an outdoorsman. Sometimes I think he should've been born out in the country!

Teaching them young!

This is my favorite picture! It shows what a fun dad he is with these boys of ours =) And that he's up for the adventure, right? But where will he fit #4?

Happy Birthday my love!

1 comment:

  1. this is too sweet! I hope you had a lovely bday Josh and you guys had a fun date night!
